- class pyvo.dal.DALService(baseurl, *, session=None, capability_description=None)[source]¶
an abstract base class representing a DAL service located a particular endpoint.
instantiate the service connecting it to a base URL
- Parameters
- baseurlstr
the base URL that should be used for forming queries to the service.
- sessionobject
optional session to use for network requests
- descriptionstr, optional
the description of the service.
Attributes Summary
the base URL identifying the location of the service and where queries are submitted (read-only)
The service description.
Methods Summary
(**keywords)create a query object that constraints can be added to and then executed.
()describe the general information about the DAL service
(**keywords)send a search query to this service.
Attributes Documentation
- baseurl¶
the base URL identifying the location of the service and where queries are submitted (read-only)
- capability_description¶
The service description.
Methods Documentation
- create_query(**keywords)[source]¶
create a query object that constraints can be added to and then executed.
- Returns
- DALQuery
a generic query object
- search(**keywords)[source]¶
send a search query to this service.
This implementation has no knowledge of the type of service being queried. The query parameters are given as arbitrary keywords which will be assumed to be understood by the service (i.e. there is no argument checking). The response is a generic DALResults object.
- Raises
- DALServiceError
for errors connecting to or communicating with the service
- DALQueryError
for errors either in the input query syntax or other user errors detected by the service
- DALFormatError
for errors parsing the VOTable response