# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Datalink classes and mixins
import numpy as np
import warnings
import copy
import requests
from collections import OrderedDict
from .query import DALResults, DALQuery, DALService, Record
from .exceptions import DALServiceError
from .vosi import AvailabilityMixin, CapabilityMixin
from .params import find_param_by_keyword, get_converter
from astropy.io.votable.tree import Param
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.units import Quantity, Unit
from astropy.units import spectral as spectral_equivalencies
from astropy.io.votable.tree import Resource, Group
from astropy.utils.collections import HomogeneousList
from ..utils.decorators import stream_decode_content
from ..utils import vocabularies
from .params import PosQueryParam, IntervalQueryParam, TimeQueryParam, EnumQueryParam
from ..dam.obscore import POLARIZATION_STATES
# calls to DataLink from the results pages are batched for performance
# reasons. This is the size of a batch
SODA_SYNC_IVOID = 'ivo://ivoa.net/std/SODA#sync-1'
DATALINK_IVOID = 'ivo://ivoa.net/std/datalink'
# MIME types
DATALINK_MIME_TYPE = 'application/x-votable+xml;content=datalink'
# monkeypatch astropy with group support in RESOURCE
def _monkeypath_astropy_resource_groups():
old_group_unknown_tag = Group._add_unknown_tag
def new_group_unknown_tag(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
if tag == "PARAM":
return self._add_param(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
old_group_unknown_tag(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
old_init = Resource.__init__
def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._groups = HomogeneousList(Group)
Resource.__init__ = new_init
def resource_groups(self):
return self._groups
Resource.groups = property(resource_groups)
def resource_add_group(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
group = Group(self, config=config, pos=pos, **data)
group.parse(iterator, config)
Resource._add_group = resource_add_group
old_resource_unknown_tag = Resource._add_unknown_tag
def new_resource_unknown_tag(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
if tag == "GROUP":
return self._add_group(iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
old_resource_unknown_tag(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos)
Resource._add_unknown_tag = new_resource_unknown_tag
if not hasattr(Resource, 'groups'):
__all__ = [
"AdhocServiceResultsMixin", "DatalinkResultsMixin", "DatalinkRecordMixin",
"DatalinkService", "DatalinkQuery", "DatalinkResults", "DatalinkRecord",
"SodaRecordMixin", "SodaQuery"]
def _get_input_params_from_resource(resource):
# get the group with name inputParams
group_input_params = next(
group for group in resource.groups if group.name == "inputParams")
# get only Param elements from the group
return {
_.name: _ for _ in group_input_params.entries if isinstance(_, Param)}
def _get_params_from_resource(resource):
return {_.name: _ for _ in resource.params}
def _get_accessurl_from_params(params):
if "accessURL" not in params:
raise DALServiceError("Datalink has no accessURL")
return params["accessURL"].value
[docs]class AdhocServiceResultsMixin:
Mixin for adhoc:service functionality for results classes.
def __init__(self, votable, *, url=None, session=None):
super().__init__(votable, url=url, session=session)
self._adhocservices = list(
resource for resource in votable.resources
if resource.type == "meta" and resource.utype == "adhoc:service"
[docs] def iter_adhocservices(self):
yield from self._adhocservices
[docs] def get_adhocservice_by_ivoid(self, ivo_id):
Return the adhoc service starting with the given ivo_id.
ivoid : str
the ivoid of the service we want to have.
The resource element describing the service.
if isinstance(ivo_id, bytes):
ivo_id = ivo_id.decode('utf-8')
for adhocservice in self.iter_adhocservices():
if any(
param.name == "standardID",
)) for param in adhocservice.params
return adhocservice
raise DALServiceError(
"No Adhoc Service with ivo-id {}!".format(ivo_id))
[docs] def get_adhocservice_by_id(self, id_):
Return the adhoc service starting with the given service_def id.
id_ : str
the service_def id of the service we want to have.
The resource element describing the service.
for adhocservice in self.iter_adhocservices():
if adhocservice.ID == id_:
return adhocservice
raise DALServiceError(
"No Adhoc Service with service_def id {}!".format(id_))
[docs]class DatalinkResultsMixin(AdhocServiceResultsMixin):
Mixin for datalink functionallity for results classes.
def _iter_datalinks_from_dlblock(self, datalink_service):
"""yields datalinks from the current rows using a datalink
service RESOURCE.
remaining_ids = [] # remaining IDs to processed
current_batch = None # retrieved but not returned yet
current_ids = [] # retrieved but not returned
processed_ids = [] # retrived and returned IDs
batch_size = None # size of the batch
for row in self:
if not current_ids:
if batch_size is None:
# first call.
self.query = DatalinkQuery.from_resource(
[_ for _ in self],
remaining_ids = self.query['ID']
if not remaining_ids:
# we are done
if batch_size:
# subsequent calls are limitted to batch size
self.query['ID'] = remaining_ids[:batch_size]
current_batch = self.query.execute(post=True)
current_ids = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(
[_ for _ in current_batch.to_table()['ID']]))
if not current_ids:
raise DALServiceError(
'Could not retrieve datalinks for: {}'.format(
', '.join([_ for _ in remaining_ids])))
batch_size = len(current_ids)
id1 = current_ids.pop(0)
yield current_batch.clone_byid(
def _guess_access_format(row):
"""returns a guess for the format of what __guess_access_url will
This tries a few heuristics based on how obscore or SIA records might
be marked up. If will return None if row does not look as if
it contained an access format. Note that the heuristics are
tried in sequence; for now, we do not define the sequence of
if hasattr(row, "access_format"):
return row.access_format
if "access_format" in row:
return row["access_format"]
access_format = row.getbyutype("obscore:access.format"
) or row.getbyutype("ssa:Access.Format")
if access_format:
return access_format
access_format = row.getbyucd("meta.code.mime"
) or row.getbyucd("VOX:Image_Format")
if access_format:
return access_format
def _guess_access_url(row):
"""returns a guess for a URI to a data product in row.
This tries a few heuristics based on how obscore or SIA records might
be marked up. If will return None if row does not look as if
it contained a product access url. Note that the heuristics are
tried in sequence; for now, we do not define the sequence of
if hasattr(row, "access_url"):
return row.access_url
if "access_url" in row:
return row["access_url"]
access_url = row.getbyutype("obscore:access.reference"
) or row.getbyutype("ssa:Access.Reference")
if access_url:
return access_url
access_url = row.getbyucd("meta.ref.url"
) or row.getbyucd("VOX:Image_AccessReference")
if access_url:
return access_url
def _guess_datalink(row, **kwargs):
# TODO: we should be more careful about whitespace, case
# and perhaps more parameters in the following comparison
if row._results._guess_access_format(row) == DATALINK_MIME_TYPE:
access_url = row._results._guess_access_url(row)
if access_url is not None:
return DatalinkResults.from_result_url(access_url, **kwargs)
def _iter_datalinks_from_product_rows(self):
"""yield datalinks from self's rows if they describe datalink-valued
for row in self:
# TODO: we should be more careful about whitespace, case
# and perhaps more parameters in the following comparison
if self._guess_access_format(row) == DATALINK_MIME_TYPE:
access_url = self._guess_access_url(row)
if access_url is not None:
yield DatalinkResults.from_result_url(
[docs] def iter_datalinks(self):
Iterates over all datalinks in a DALResult.
# To reduce the number of calls to the Datalink service, multiple
# IDs are sent in batches. The appropriate batch size is not available
# as each service has its own criteria for determining the maximum
# number of IDs processed per request. To overcome this limitation,
# this method initially sends all the available IDs and if the
# response is partial, uses the size of the response as the batch
# size.
if not hasattr(self, '_datalink'):
self._datalink = self.get_adhocservice_by_ivoid(DATALINK_IVOID)
except DALServiceError:
self._datalink = None
if self._datalink is None:
yield from self._iter_datalinks_from_product_rows()
yield from self._iter_datalinks_from_dlblock(self._datalink)
[docs]class DatalinkRecordMixin:
Mixin for record classes, providing functionallity for datalink.
- ``getdataset()`` considers datalink.
[docs] def getdatalink(self):
Retrieve the datalink information for this record.
The datalink results for this record.
If no datalink information is found for this record.
datalink = self._results.get_adhocservice_by_ivoid(DATALINK_IVOID)
query = DatalinkQuery.from_resource(self, datalink, session=self._session)
return query.execute()
except DALServiceError as error:
datalink = self._results._guess_datalink(self, session=self._session)
if datalink is not None:
return datalink
# re-raise the original error if nothing works
raise DALServiceError("No datalink found for record.") from error
[docs] @stream_decode_content
def getdataset(self, timeout=None):
url = next(self.getdatalink().bysemantics('#this')).access_url
response = self._session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=timeout)
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, url)
return response.raw
except (DALServiceError, ValueError, StopIteration):
# this should go to Record.getdataset()
return super().getdataset(timeout=timeout)
[docs]class DatalinkService(DALService, AvailabilityMixin, CapabilityMixin):
a representation of a Datalink service
def __init__(self, baseurl, session=None):
instantiate a Datalink service
baseurl : str
the base URL that should be used for forming queries to the service.
session : object
optional session to use for network requests
super().__init__(baseurl, session=session)
# Check if the session has an update_from_capabilities attribute.
# This means that the session is aware of IVOA capabilities,
# and can use this information in processing network requests.
# One such usecase for this is auth.
if hasattr(self._session, 'update_from_capabilities'):
[docs] def run_sync(self, id, *, responseformat=None, **keywords):
runs sync query and returns its result
id : str
the dataset identifier
responseformat : str
the output format
the query result
See Also
return self.create_query(id, responseformat=responseformat, **keywords).execute()
# alias for service discovery
search = run_sync
[docs] def create_query(self, id, *, responseformat=None, **keywords):
create a query object that constraints can be added to and then
executed. The input arguments will initialize the query with the
given values.
baseurl : str
the base URL for the Datalink service
id : str
the dataset identifier
responseformat : str
the output format
return DatalinkQuery(
self.baseurl, id=id, responseformat=responseformat, **keywords)
[docs]class DatalinkQuery(DALQuery):
A class for preparing a query to a Datalink service. Query constraints
are added via its service type-specific methods. The various execute()
functions will submit the query and return the results.
The base URL for the query, which controls where the query will be sent
when one of the execute functions is called, is typically set at
construction time; however, it can be updated later via the
:py:attr:`~pyvo.dal.DALQuery.baseurl` to send a configured
query to another service.
A session can also optionally be passed in that will be used for
network transactions made by this object to remote services.
In addition to the search constraint attributes described below, search
parameters can be set generically by name via dict semantics.
The typical function for submitting the query is ``execute()``; however,
alternate execute functions provide the response in different forms,
allowing the caller to take greater control of the result processing.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_resource(cls, rows, resource, *, session=None, **kwargs):
Creates a instance from a number of records and a Datalink Resource.
XML Hierarchy:
.. code:: xml
<FIELD id="ID">
<FIELD id="srcGroup">
<GROUP name="inputParams">
<PARAM name="ID" datatype="char" arraysize="*" value=""
<PARAM name="CALIB" datatype="char" arraysize="*"
<PARAM name="GROUP" datatype="char" arraysize="*" value=""
original_row = kwargs.pop("original_row", None)
input_params = _get_input_params_from_resource(resource)
# get params outside of any group
dl_params = _get_params_from_resource(resource)
accessurl = _get_accessurl_from_params(dl_params)
query_params = dict()
for name, input_param in input_params.items():
if input_param.ref:
if isinstance(rows, list):
query_params[name] = []
for r in rows:
# scalars are also accepted for backwards compatibility
query_params[name] = rows[input_param.ref]
elif np.isscalar(input_param.value) and input_param.value:
query_params[name] = input_param.value
elif (
not np.isscalar(input_param.value)
and input_param.value.all()
and len(input_param.value)
query_params[name] = " ".join(
str(_) for _ in input_param.value)
for name, query_param in kwargs.items():
input_param = find_param_by_keyword(name, input_params)
if input_param and query_param is None:
del query_params[input_param.name]
converter = get_converter(input_param)
query_params[input_param.name] = converter.serialize(
except KeyError:
query_params[name] = query_param
return cls(
def __init__(
self, baseurl, *, id=None, responseformat=None, session=None, **keywords):
initialize the query object with the given parameters
baseurl : str
the Datalink baseurl
id : str
the dataset identifier
responseformat : str
the output format
session : object
optional session to use for network requests
self.original_row = keywords.pop("original_row", None)
super().__init__(baseurl, session=session, **keywords)
if id is not None:
self["ID"] = id
if responseformat is not None:
self["RESPONSEFORMAT"] = responseformat
[docs] def execute(self, post=False):
submit the query and return the results as a DatalinkResults instance
for errors connecting to or communicating with the service
for errors either in the input query syntax or
other user errors detected by the service
for errors parsing the VOTable response
return DatalinkResults(
[docs]class DatalinkResults(DatalinkResultsMixin, DALResults):
The list of matching records resulting from an datalink query.
Each record contains a set of metadata that describes an available
record matching the query constraints. The number of records in
the results is available by passing it to the Python built-in ``len()``
This class supports iterable semantics; thus,
individual records (in the form of
:py:class:`~pyvo.dal.Record` instances) are typically
accessed by iterating over an ``DatalinkResults`` instance.
Alternatively, records can be accessed randomly via
:py:meth:`getrecord` or through a Python Database API (v2)
Cursor (via :py:meth:`~pyvo.dal.DALResults.cursor`).
Column-based data access is possible via the
:py:meth:`~pyvo.dal.DALResults.getcolumn` method.
``DatalinkResults`` is essentially a wrapper around an Astropy
:py:class:`~astropy.io.votable.tree.TableElement` instance where the
columns contain the various metadata describing the images.
One can access that VOTable directly via the
:py:attr:`~pyvo.dal.DALResults.votable` attribute. Thus,
when one retrieves a whole column via
:py:meth:`~pyvo.dal.DALResults.getcolumn`, the result is
a Numpy array. Alternatively, one can manipulate the results
as an Astropy :py:class:`~astropy.table.Table` via the
following conversion:
``table = results.to_table()``
``DatalinkResults`` supports the array item operator ``[...]`` in a
read-only context. When the argument is numerical, the result
is an
:py:class:`~pyvo.dal.Record` instance, representing the
record at the position given by the numerical index. If the
argument is a string, it is interpreted as the name of a column,
and the data from the column matching that name is returned as
a Numpy array.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.original_row = kwargs.pop("original_row", None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getrecord(self, index):
return a representation of a datalink result record that follows
dictionary semantics. The keys of the dictionary are those returned by
this instance's fieldnames attribute. The returned record has the
additional function ``getdataset``
index : int
the integer index of the desired record where 0 returns the first
a dictionary-like wrapper containing the result record metadata.
if index is negative or equal or larger than the number of rows in
the result table.
See Also
return DatalinkRecord(self, index, session=self._session)
[docs] def bysemantics(self, semantics, *, include_narrower=True):
return the rows with the dataset identified by the given semantics
semantics: str or list
One or more term(s) from the datalink vocabulary
(http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/datalink/core). datalink/core
terms may be passed in with or without a leading hash.
Free URIs may also be passed an and will be compared literally,
i.e., without any URI normalisation.
include_narrower: boolean
If true, the result will include matches for any term
that is narrower than the term passed in.
Sequence of DatalinkRecord
a sequence of dictionary-like wrappers containing the result record
# If the URL juggling gets any more complicated here, we ought
# to bite the bullet and only deal with full URLs. Sigh.
if isinstance(semantics, str):
semantics = [semantics]
core_terms, other_terms = [], []
for term in semantics:
if ":" in term:
# it's a full URI, see if it's ours
if term.startswith("http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/datalink/core#"):
core_terms.append(term.split("#", 1)[-1])
# it's a local term
if include_narrower:
additional_terms = []
voc = vocabularies.get_vocabulary("datalink/core")
for term in core_terms:
if term in voc["terms"]:
core_terms = core_terms + additional_terms
semantics = set("#" + term for term in core_terms) | set(other_terms)
for record in self:
if record.semantics in semantics:
yield record
[docs] def clone_byid(self, id, *, original_row=None):
return a clone of the object with results and corresponding
resources matching a given id
Sequence of DatalinkRecord
a sequence of dictionary-like wrappers containing the result record
copy_tb = copy.deepcopy(self.votable)
votable = copy_tb.get_first_table()
# find index of ID column
id_index = None
for index, field in enumerate(votable.fields):
if field.name == 'ID':
id_index = index
rows = [x for x in votable.array if x[id_index] == id]
for index, row in enumerate(rows):
votable.array[index] = row
# now remove unreferenced services from resources
referenced_serviced = [x for x in votable.array['service_def'] if x]
# remove customized that are not referenced by the current results
for x in copy_tb.resources:
if x.ID and x.ID not in referenced_serviced:
return DatalinkResults(copy_tb, original_row=original_row)
[docs] def getdataset(self, *, timeout=None):
return the first row with the dataset identified by semantics #this
a dictionary-like wrapper containing the result record.
return next(self.bysemantics("#this")).getdataset(timeout=timeout)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("No row with semantics #this found!")
[docs] def iter_procs(self):
iterate over all rows with a processing service
for row in self:
if row.service_def:
yield row
[docs] def get_first_proc(self):
returns the first datalink row with a processing service.
for proc in self.iter_procs():
return proc
raise IndexError("No processing service found in datalink result")
[docs] @classmethod
def from_result_url(cls, result_url, *, session=None, original_row=None):
res = super().from_result_url(result_url, session=session)
res.original_row = original_row
return res
[docs]class SodaRecordMixin:
Mixin for soda functionality for record classes.
If used, it's result class must have
`pyvo.dal.adhoc.AdhocServiceResultsMixin` mixed in.
def _get_soda_resource(self):
return self._results.get_adhocservice_by_ivoid(SODA_SYNC_IVOID)
except DALServiceError:
dataformat = self.getdataformat()
if dataformat is None:
raise DALServiceError(
"No SODA Resouces available and no dataformat in record. "
"Maybe you forgot to include it into the TAP Query?")
if "content=datalink" in dataformat:
dataurl = self.getdataurl()
if not dataurl:
raise DALServiceError(
"No dataurl in record, but dataformat contains "
"'content=datalink'. Maybe you forgot to include it into "
"the TAP Query?")
datalink_result = DatalinkResults.from_result_url(dataurl)
return datalink_result.get_adhocservice_by_ivoid(
except DALServiceError:
return None
[docs] def processed(
self, *, circle=None, range=None, polygon=None, band=None, **kwargs):
Returns processed dataset.
circle : `astropy.units.Quantity`
latitude, longitude and radius
range : `astropy.units.Quantity`
two longitude + two latitude values describing a rectangle
polygon : `astropy.units.Quantity`
multiple (at least three) pairs of longitude and latitude points
band : `astropy.units.Quantity`
two bandwidth or frequency values
soda_resource = self._get_soda_resource()
if soda_resource:
soda_query = SodaQuery.from_resource(
self, soda_resource, circle=circle, range=range,
polygon=polygon, band=band, **kwargs)
soda_stream = soda_query.execute_stream()
return soda_stream
return self.getdataset()
[docs]class DatalinkRecord(DatalinkRecordMixin, SodaRecordMixin, Record):
a dictionary-like container for data in a record from the results of an
datalink query,
The commonly accessed metadata which are stadardized by the datalink
standard are available as attributes. If the metadatum accessible
via an attribute is not available, the value of that attribute
will be None. All metadata, including non-standard metadata, are
acessible via the ``get(`` *key* ``)`` function (or the [*key*]
operator) where *key* is table column name.
def id(self):
Input identifier
return self.get("ID", decode=True)
def access_url(self):
Link to data or processing service
row_url = self.get("access_url", decode=True)
if not row_url:
proc_resource = self._results.get_adhocservice_by_id(
dl_params = _get_params_from_resource(proc_resource)
row_url = _get_accessurl_from_params(dl_params)
return row_url
def service_def(self):
reference to the service descriptor resource
return self.get("service_def", decode=True)
def error_message(self):
Error if an access_url cannot be created
return self.get("error_message", decode=True)
def description(self):
Human-readable text describing this link
return self.get("description", decode=True)
def semantics(self):
Term from a controlled vocabulary describing the link
return self.get("semantics", decode=True)
def content_type(self):
Mime-type of the content the link returns
return self.get("content_type", decode=True)
def content_length(self):
Size of the download the link returns
return int(self["content_length"])
[docs] def getdataurl(self):
return the URL contained in the access URL column which can be used
to retrieve the dataset described by this record. Raises
:py:class:`~pyvo.dal.DALServiceError` if theres an error.
if self.error_message:
raise DALServiceError(self.error_message)
return self.access_url
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs):
calls the processing service and returns it's result as a file-like
proc_resource = self._results.get_adhocservice_by_id(self.service_def)
proc_query = DatalinkQuery.from_resource(self, proc_resource, **kwargs)
proc_stream = proc_query.execute_stream()
return proc_stream
def params(self):
the access parameters of the service behind this datalink row.
proc_resource = self._results.get_adhocservice_by_id(self.service_def)
return proc_resource.params
def input_params(self):
a list of input parameters for the service behind this datalink row.
proc_resource = self._results.get_adhocservice_by_id(self.service_def)
return list(_get_input_params_from_resource(proc_resource).values())
class AxisParamMixin():
Stores the axis parameters (pos, band, time and pol) used in SODA
or SIA2 queries
def pos(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_pos'):
self._pos = PosQueryParam()
self['POS'] = self._pos.dal
return self._pos
def band(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_band'):
self._band = IntervalQueryParam(unit=u.meter,
self['BAND'] = self.band.dal
return self._band
def time(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_time'):
self._time = TimeQueryParam()
self['TIME'] = self.time.dal
return self._time
def pol(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_pol'):
self._pol = EnumQueryParam(POLARIZATION_STATES)
self['POL'] = self.pol.dal
return self._pol
[docs]class SodaQuery(DatalinkQuery, AxisParamMixin):
a class for preparing a query to a SODA Service.
def __init__(
self, baseurl, *, circle=None, range=None, polygon=None, band=None,
super().__init__(baseurl, **kwargs)
if circle is not None:
self.circle = circle
if range is not None:
self.range = range
if polygon is not None:
self.polygon = polygon
if band is not None:
self.band = band
def circle(self):
The CIRCLE parameter defines a spatial region using the circle xtype
defined in DALI.
return getattr(self, '_circle', None)
def circle(self, circle):
if len(circle) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"Range must be a sequence with exactly three values")
self['CIRCLE'] = PosQueryParam().get_dal_format(circle).\
replace('CIRCLE ', '')
setattr(self, '_circle', circle)
del self.range
del self.polygon
def circle(self):
if hasattr(self, '_circle'):
delattr(self, '_circle')
if 'CIRCLE' in self:
del self['CIRCLE']
def range(self):
A rectangular range.
"Use pos attribute instead",
return getattr(self, '_circle', None)
def range(self, range):
if len(range) != 4:
raise ValueError(
"Range must be a sequence with exactly four values")
self['POS'] = PosQueryParam().get_dal_format(range)
setattr(self, '_range', range)
del self.circle
del self.polygon
def range(self):
if hasattr(self, '_range'):
delattr(self, '_range')
if 'POS' in self and self['POS'].startswith('RANGE'):
del self['POS']
def polygon(self):
The POLYGON parameter defines a spatial region using the polygon xtype
defined in DALI.
return getattr(self, '_polygon', None)
def polygon(self, polygon):
if len(polygon) < 6:
raise ValueError(
"Polygon must be a sequence of at least six values")
self['POLYGON'] = PosQueryParam().get_dal_format(polygon).\
replace('POLYGON ', '')
setattr(self, '_polygon', polygon)
del self.circle
del self.range
def polygon(self):
if hasattr(self, '_polygon'):
delattr(self, '_polygon')
if 'POLYGON' in self:
del self['POLYGON']
def band(self):
The BAND parameter defines the wavelength interval(s) to be extracted
from the data using a floating point interval
return getattr(self, "_band", None)
def band(self, band):
setattr(self, "_band", band)
if not isinstance(band, Quantity):
valerr = ValueError(
'Band must be specified with exactly two values, ',
'expressing a frequency or wavelength range'
# assume meters
band = band * Unit("meter")
if len(band) != 2:
raise valerr
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise valerr
# transform to meters
band = band.to(Unit("m"), equivalencies=spectral_equivalencies())
# frequency is counter-proportional to wavelength, so we just sort
# it to have the right order again
self["BAND"] = "{start} {end}".format(
start=band.value[0], end=band.value[1])
def band(self):
if hasattr(self, '_band'):
delattr(self, '_band')
if 'BAND' in self:
del self['BAND']