UWS (pyvo.io.uws)


pyvo.io.uws.endpoint Module

This file contains a contains the high-level functions to read the various VOSI Endpoints.


parse_job(source[, pedantic, filename, ...])

Parses a job xml file (or file-like object), and returns a JobFile object.

parse_job_list(source[, pedantic, filename, ...])

Parses a job xml file (or file-like object), and returns a Jobs object.


JobFile([config, pos])

availability element: represents an entire file.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pyvo.io.uws.endpoint.JobFile

pyvo.io.uws.tree Module

This file contains xml element classes as defined in the VOResource standard.


UWSElement([config, pos, _name, _ns])

Reference(*args, **kwargs)

standard xlink references

JobSummary([config, pos, _name])

Parameters([config, pos, _name])

Parameters element of a job

Parameter([config, pos, _name])

Results([config, pos, _name])

Result([config, pos, _name])

A reference to a UWS result.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pyvo.io.uws.tree.UWSElement, pyvo.io.uws.tree.Reference, pyvo.io.uws.tree.JobSummary, pyvo.io.uws.tree.Parameters, pyvo.io.uws.tree.Parameter, pyvo.io.uws.tree.Results, pyvo.io.uws.tree.Result